Sunday, July 18, 2010


LIFE is too short
to wake up with REGRETS.
LOVE the people who treat you RIGHT & FORGET the ones who don't
Believe that EVERYTHING happens for reason.
If you get a CHANCE - TAKE IT
If it changes your life
NOBODY said life would be easy
they just PROMISED
it would be WORTH it.
and LIVE like there are no tomorrow
LAUGH like you did when you little
LOVE like you've never been hurt.

Sunday, July 4, 2010


Tfikir aku ayat mmbr aku ni sorg tp ayat ni keluar dah lama.

Betul ke ayat ni or sbalik nya.Mmbr aku ni gurl or dia kuar kan ayat ni sbb nk backup kaum dia sdiri???

Kalo di sekeliling aku, yg aku npkkaum hawa yg xler hidup sorg2, cth nye lepas break ngan bf lama xsampai stahun mereka pasti ada pnganti sedangkan bf lama dorg still single n mungkin t'igat kat dia lg. Aku ase azreen nye ayat ni cam slh jer. Ini just pdapat aku azreen hehe jgn mara yer. Sbb mmbr aku yg break tmasuk la aku mmg terus mbujang at les mkn thn gk la. Tp mmbr2 pompan aku xsampai stengah thn dah ada pnganti.

Em...entah la tp aku pecaya mmg gurl ssh nk idup kseorgan mereka pasti akn mcari pnganti pas break or sbelum break dorg akn get ready. hehe ni just pndapat jer sbb tu yg aku npk